Vladimir Film Festival


Vodnjan / Astra / 22 / 09 / 2023 / Film

It is a skate­board­ing film that shines a spot­light on the B.P. crew: a group of skaters from Rijeka, Croa­tia, and their friends. Set against the back­drops of Rijeka, Kvarner, Istria and Split, the movie cap­tures the skaters’ unique per­spect­ive on their urb­an envir­on­ment. Instinct as a title reflects the drive with­in skaters to per­ceive their sur­round­ings dif­fer­ently than oth­er people, using the city­scape and archi­tec­ture for altern­at­ive pur­poses. Through deep under­stand­ing of the city’s land­scape, the skaters embrace their instinctu­al con­nec­tion with the space.

Dir­ec­tion, edit­ing, cine­ma­to­graphy and music by Michel Mesar­ić. Second cam­era by Dav­or Jugo­v­ac. Addi­tion­al film­ing by Dino Per­ović, Leon Šojić and Naim. Fea­tur­ing the skate­board­ing of Rene Žežel­ic, Dino Per­ović, Naim, Val Miloš, Zoe Miloš, Danko Lazić, Nino Jurlina, Luka Dav­idh Hornyansky, Adri­an Josi­pović, Darko Starčević, Petar Spied­lick, Spen­cer Timble, Bojan Međimorec, Dav­or Jugo­v­ac, Jas­min Bešić, Josip Buzuk, Jerko Bobanac, Ant­o­nio Blažičević and Mihael Klić.