Vladimir Film Festival

I like it here inside my mind…

Fažana / Brioni hotel / 22 / 9 / 2016 / Film

The 6th edi­tion of Vladi­mir skate film fest­iv­al will be rolling the latest Polar video I Like It Here Inside My Mind. Don’t Wake Me This Time. A film com­posed by Pon­tus Alv fea­tur­ing Hjalte Hal­berg, Aaron Her­ring­ton, Kev­in Rodrig­ues, Oskar Rozen­berg Hall­berg, Dav­id Sten­ström, Dane Brady, Paul Grund, Roman Gonza­lez, Jerome Camp­bell, Michał Jur­aś, Pon­tus Alv and more.

“Unrav­el­ing in a dream­like haze, Alv’s work is on the high-art spec­trum for skate­board­ing, but his tech­nique is pur­pose­ful and only adds to the nar­rat­ive he’s con­struc­ted — a care­ful bal­ance of concept and exe­cu­tion, without fall­ing into the trap of being self-serving or superfluous.”

Read the rest of the art­icle by Anthony Pap­palardo at Jen­kem mag