Vladimir Film Festival

How poles become white

Pula / Valli cinema / 18 / 9 / 2021 / Film


How Poles Became White takes up Kacper Pobłocki’s thought-pro­vok­ing essay on class and race: tra­cing the roots of what it means to be some­body or nobody in Europe. Drift­ing East and West, the film tells the story of a gen­er­a­tion, Jacek (28), Nid­al (27) and Roma (27), who don’t rebel but embrace the con­flicts of our time with mel­an­choly & struggle. While Jacek and Roma reach out for social mobil­ity in the Neth­er­lands, Nid­al leaves the Middle East to live a self-determ­ined life in Poland. Strug­gling with iden­tity and migra­tion, all three face the ques­tion of who they are and where to belong.

This is my film on mel­an­choly and end­less struggles in his­tory, where social and spa­tial move­ments impact the intens­ity of loc­al con­flict decisively.

Tino Buch­holz

Read more about the pro­ject at Tuni pro­duc­tions