Richard Hart: Super L8

Longtime no-longer-a-stranger to Vladimir Film Festival editions and U.K., then S.F., then back to Europe-based photographer Richard Hart is another pillar of historical skate culture worldwide, having spent decades (and counting) in particularly crucial places at particularly crucial times and shooting everything on film to boot. For the past few years, by himself, he’s been running skate magazine Push Periodical, organizing photo and video trips (then usually teaming up with Zach Chamberlin, of later Rasa Libre videos fame), meeting new souls; and a while back, under the Plaitford Productions moniker, he even published The Howard house video, out of footage he had caught on tape back in the corresponding era of San Francisco skateboarding — complete with a never-before-seen Ocean Howell part. For this year’s Vladimir, he’s providing us with fresh Ocean sightings again, as well as ones of legendary Adrenalin rider Toad and of many more people, under the form of “some long lost rolls of Super‑8 footage from the streets of mid-to-late nineties San Francisco, finally dusted off and edited together”.