Vladimir Film Festival

VFF 2016 doc­u­ment­ary: Future is primitive

Pula / Valli cinema / 24 / 9 / 2016 / Film

Doc­u­ment­ar­ies have a spe­cial treat­ment at VFF as they are screened in the renowned Pula’s cinema Kino Valli. This edi­tion of Vladi­mir has the hon­or to set to screen the doc­u­ment­ary from Japan­ese film­maker Kat­suya Nonaka, Future is prim­it­ive, which puts togeth­er two seem­ingly dif­fer­ent worlds, skate­board and shakuhachi.

In his film, Kat­suya talks with skaters from all around the world, as well as Japan­ese and non-Japan­ese play­ers of the tra­di­tion­al bam­boo flute, the shak­uha­chi, reveal­ing the com­mon things and prob­lems they share, while encoun­ter­ing chan­ging status and a rise in popularity.

Offi­cial web­site of Future is primitive