Vladimir Film Festival

VFF 2015

The 5th edi­tion of the Vladi­mir skate film fest­iv­al took place in Fažana and Pula on 18 and 19th of Septem­ber 2015 and it was big­ger than ever. Not just by the attend­ance of more audi­ence but also by the list of guests that is impress­ive for a fest­iv­al that small in size. We were very happy to accom­mod­ate Henry Kings­ford, Richard Hart, Yoan Tail­lan­d­i­er, Phil­ippe Petit, Will Har­mon, Aymer­ic Nocus, The Rios Crew, Tomaž Šantl and crazy Slov­e­ni­an family…

On the first day (in Fažana) we had the opor­tun­ity to enjoy the new works of the skater and pho­to­graph­er Aymer­ic Nocus fol­lowed by the screen­ing of Alex Rose’s Head­clean­er, Kick­flips over occu­pa­tion — a doc­u­ment­ary about young Palestinean skaters by Maen Hammad, Yönnek by Rios Crew, a clip by Ori­on skate from Split “Oš jed­nog” and 5th Ori­gin­al Copy by Tomaž Šantl and Zlatko Djo­gić that was announced by Deso — the main prot­ag­on­ist of the video. This year the fest­iv­al dis­played a small Magenta skate­boards expo along­side with stuff by Minu­it, Rios Crew and Tadej Vauk­man with his newly released book titled Dick skinners.

On the second day the fest­iv­al con­tin­ued in Pula at the Valli cinema with the intro­duc­tion of five inter­na­tion­al skate­board­ing pho­to­graph­ers: Henry Kings­ford, Richard Hart, Yoan Tail­lan­d­i­er, Alex­an­dre Pires and Ben­jamin Debredt. As the Grey magazine was cel­eb­rat­ing 5 years in print we ded­ic­ated a wooden instal­a­tion for that occa­sion, hanging pages and art­icles from vari­os issues of Grey, with an iPad dis­play­ing Grey’s web site. After the exhib­i­tion Phil­ippe Petit, the author of Danger Dave, intro­duced the audi­ence with his film. After the pro­jec­tion the fest­iv­al con­tin­ued in the Cva­jn­er gal­lery, a pub near the cinema, where the European premiere of Domin­go II by Josh Roberts was held after the short intro­duc­tion by Will Har­mon. The fest­iv­al con­tin­ued with Car­din­al After party where every­body enjoyed the best tunes of calypso music.

Photo gal­lery

(pho­tos by Henry Kings­ford, Tomaž Šantl and Will Harmon)

Work in progress

1st day — Fažana

2nd day — Pula

VFF 2015 reports:

Grey skate mag: day 01 / day 02
Free skate mag: recap
Minu­it: report

Fest­iv­al poster designed and prin­ted by Nikola Racan and Oleg Morović

All art­icles about Vladi­mir Film Fest­iv­al 2015