Vladimir Film Festival

VFF 2013

The line-up rot the third Vladi­mir Film Fest­iv­al was so big, that we had to extend it to to days. It was the first time VFF had vis­it­ors from out­side Croa­tia (Slov­e­nia, France, Check Repub­lic, Slov­ak Repub­lic and Germany).

This year the photo exhib­i­tion under the sky took place in Badel fact­ory, our second DIY spot, which unfor­tu­nately, was des­troyed few moths before VFF 2014, togeth­er with Glass fact­ory. No more under­ground  in Fažana for some time…

Fest­iv­al poster design by Mar­ina Jakulić

More about Vladi­mir Film Fest­iv­al 2013