Vladimir Film Festival

Far­ran Gold­ing / Quar­ter­snacks Favor­ite Spot Screening

Pula / Kino Valli / 23 / 09 / 2023 / Event

Favor­ite Spot is a doc­u­ment­ary series explor­ing the rela­tion­ships between skate­boarders and space. From urb­an plazas, to nation­al monu­ments, to seem­ingly innoc­u­ous pieces of street fur­niture, spots can hold pro­found and per­son­al sig­ni­fic­ance to the skate­boarders who inter­act with them. For pro­fes­sion­al skate­boarders, such loc­a­tions can become integ­ral to their careers and tra­cing moments cap­tured on video at these loc­a­tions allows for a near-bio­graph­ic por­trait of the most influ­en­tial fig­ures with­in the cul­ture. Pro­duced by journ­al­ist Far­ran Gold­ing (Leeds, U.K.) for New York pub­lic­a­tion, Quar­ter­snacks, this screen­ing brings togeth­er four instal­ment across the Favor­ite Spot series depict­ing the nuanced and often amus­ing rela­tion­ship skate­boarders have with the wider world and will be accom­pan­ied by a Q&A session.

Surely among the best of our new skate media, Favor­ite Spot blends archiv­al video with the voices of skaters who know and likely love, these places bet­ter than any­one. Golding’s cur­a­tion of clips is as thought­ful and effect­ive as his silent role in these rich, ran­ging, and extremely fun con­ver­sa­tions. As our lives are increas­ingly defined by learn­ing how to ignore, each new Favor­ite Spot is cause for set­tling in, hunk­er­ing down, and open­ing all receptors.
 — Kyle Beachy

A real act of cul­tur­al preservation.
 — Patrick Kigongo


Favor­ite Spot with Gil­bert Crock­ett on SunTrust
Ori­gin­al video­graphy by Will Rosen­stock, Muary Blankin­shin­ship, Kev­in O’Dell, Allen Dan­ze, Max Mat­toon, Mike Pound for Ven­ue Skate­boards.

Favor­ite Spot with Anthony Van Engelen on The Green Bench
Ori­gin­al video­graphy by Greg Hunt for The DC Video (2003). Ori­gin­al video­graphy by Cody Green and Benny Maglinao for Dan­cing On Thin Ice (Fuck­ing Awe­some & Hockey, 2020). Addi­tion­al video­graphy by Wil­li­am Strobeck & Colin Kennedy.

Favor­ite Spot with Cyr­us Ben­nett on The Sombrero
Ori­gin­al video­graphy by Johnny Wilson with adi­tion­al video­graphy by Logan Lara & Jesse Alba.

Favor­ite Spot with Lucien Clarke on Vic­tor­ia Benches
Ori­gin­al video­graphy by Jack BrooksMicheal J. FoxAdam TodhunterAus­tin Bris­tow as seen in Palason­ic (2017) for Palace Skate­boards. Ori­gin­al video­graphy by Dan Magee and Chris Mas­sey for Blueprint’s Wait­ing For The World (2000) and First Broad­cast (2002).

Fol­lowed by film­maker Q&A