Farran Golding / Quartersnacks Favorite Spot Screening

Favorite Spot is a documentary series exploring the relationships between skateboarders and space. From urban plazas, to national monuments, to seemingly innocuous pieces of street furniture, spots can hold profound and personal significance to the skateboarders who interact with them. For professional skateboarders, such locations can become integral to their careers and tracing moments captured on video at these locations allows for a near-biographic portrait of the most influential figures within the culture. Produced by journalist Farran Golding (Leeds, U.K.) for New York publication, Quartersnacks, this screening brings together four instalment across the Favorite Spot series depicting the nuanced and often amusing relationship skateboarders have with the wider world and will be accompanied by a Q&A session.
Surely among the best of our new skate media, Favorite Spot blends archival video with the voices of skaters who know and likely love, these places better than anyone. Golding’s curation of clips is as thoughtful and effective as his silent role in these rich, ranging, and extremely fun conversations. As our lives are increasingly defined by learning how to ignore, each new Favorite Spot is cause for settling in, hunkering down, and opening all receptors.
— Kyle Beachy
A real act of cultural preservation.
— Patrick Kigongo
Favorite Spot with Gilbert Crockett on SunTrust
Original videography by Will Rosenstock, Muary Blankinshinship, Kevin O’Dell, Allen Danze, Max Mattoon, Mike Pound for Venue Skateboards.
Favorite Spot with Anthony Van Engelen on The Green Bench
Original videography by Greg Hunt for The DC Video (2003). Original videography by Cody Green and Benny Maglinao for Dancing On Thin Ice (Fucking Awesome & Hockey, 2020). Additional videography by William Strobeck & Colin Kennedy.
Favorite Spot with Cyrus Bennett on The Sombrero
Original videography by Johnny Wilson with aditional videography by Logan Lara & Jesse Alba.
Favorite Spot with Lucien Clarke on Victoria Benches
Original videography by Jack Brooks, Micheal J. Fox, Adam Todhunter & Austin Bristow as seen in Palasonic (2017) for Palace Skateboards. Original videography by Dan Magee and Chris Massey for Blueprint’s Waiting For The World (2000) and First Broadcast (2002).
Followed by filmmaker Q&A