Vladimir Film Festival

Exped­i­tion to I‑ran by Ori­gin­al Copy

Pula / Valli cinema / 29 / 9 / 2018 / Film

Ori­gin­al Copy is an ongo­ing exper­i­ment­al skate­board pro­ject by Zlatko Đogić (audio) and Tomaž Šantl (video). Each film stands by itself and includes vari­ous guests. Exped­i­tion to I‑ran was ini­ti­ated by Aleš Mačkovšek.

Can we adapt to the form of a present world to a slow and sub­jectiv­ity of a skate­board? Can we con­front skate­boarder and archi­tec­ture? Can we link report­age and music­al? Is this pos­sible? That is why the rock is whist­ling and the pup­pets and politi­cians are singing. It is a mel­an­chol­ic, passing by reality…

The screen­ing will take place at the cinema Kino Valli in Pula on Sat­urday 29th.