Vladimir Film Festival

Dorkzone 2 – Le Boxx

Fažana / Brijuni / 29 / 9 / 2019 / Film

Dorkzone 2 — Le Boxx is an arty evol­u­tion of the first Dorkzone pro­ject. The idea behind the pro­ject is to pro­duce con­tent that gives access to skate cul­ture that isn’t just focused on tricks and good skat­ing. This time around the anim­a­tions have evolved from stop-motion card­board cut-outs to hand-drawn flowy cell anim­a­tions from Mike all once again set against an ori­gin­al soundtrack from Son­dre Mortensen. The film stars Gabbe Vik­ing, Mimmi Lecki­us, Moa Zander, Aman­dus Mortensen, and Son­dre Mortensen.

The Dorkzone videos are the tip of the ice­berg to the Dorkzone uni­verse, which has evolved into cre­at­ive work­shops that teach kids anim­a­tion, giant skate­park mur­als, books, exhib­i­tions and soundtracks.

Names behind this pro­ject: Mike O’Shea, Nils Svens­son, and Phil Evans.

We have a pleas­ure of catch­ing it on Sunday 29th at the Nation­al park Brijuni.