Vladimir Film Festival


Pula / Valli cinema / 18 / 9 / 2021 / Exhibition

Asi­planchaba (Span­ish for “I used to iron”, play­ing on sex­ist pre­ju­dice) has been at the fore­front of the com­munity of female skate­boarders with­in the Bar­celona skate scene since 2009 now, first via a humble web­site that even­tu­ally, in 2019, turned into a real magazine: Dolores. Two years later, this is your invit­a­tion to a ret­ro­spect­ive of the six issues of the “ste­reo­type-break­ing zine” doub­ling up as an exhib­i­tion of a selec­tion of the Asi­planchaba archives.

Cov­er of Dolores issue #0

Asi­planchaba is a com­munity that brings togeth­er and unites women through a col­lect­ive shared pas­sion of skate­board­ing and cre­at­ive expression.

Read more about them in this art­icle from Dose.