Vladimir Film Festival


Fažana / Piazza Grande / 27 / 9 / 2019 / Film

Dno is a new video by our Rus­si­an friend’s Absurd skate­boards. We asked them to tell us a little about this clip.

I took a little break to make sure we have this new Absurd clip. This week we finally went to the des­tin­a­tion we wanted. It’s a small city called Dno. Dno lit­er­ally means botttom. Maybe it’s the same in Croa­tian. This year with Absurd we were pretty much at the bot­tom with no boards and no idea how to keep doing but some­how man­age to put it togeth­er and keep it going. So, we decided to make fun of the situ­ation and go to a city called Bot­tom which is very small and obi­vi­ously quite shit for skate­board­ing. You got to be at the very bot­tom to con­sider this a skate spot.

Dno was filmed by Bara­baka and Mikas and edited by Bara­baka and it premi­ers on Fri­day in the old Fažana square Piazza Grande. Screen­ings start from 8pm.