Vladimir Film Festival

Cvat na polu­ostrvu His­tria is online

24 / 5 / 2022 / Story

We enjoyed this gem by prvns at VX last sum­mer and it finally landed online last week. Skat­ing done by Glen Fox, Alex Hall­ford, Nebojša Res­an­ović, Danilo Pis­an­juk, Dav­id Soda, Žarko Obradović, Kon­rad Wald­mann, Nikola Bićan­in, Romain Scordino, Nikola Bićan­in, Tom Deli­on and Tomaž Šantl around the streets of Bel­grade and at our own little diy spot in Fažana. It is a poem to our eyes see­ing the old “design” of the skate­park 4 that sits under the pines in the back­yard of Kasarna. 

Rough flat, we miss you!

Filmed by Nebojša Res­an­ović, Danilo Pis­an­juk and Dav­id Soda who also edited the damn thing. Illus­tra­tions and anim­a­tions done by Kexy Mlexy & Toyko.