Vladimir Film Festival


11 / 1 / 2022 / Interview

Cam­ila Gonzatto inter­views Marko Zubak (aka Mlibty) at Mint­base. Go check it out.

What star­ted as a pro­ject of cre­at­ing skate­board graph­ics ended up becom­ing a skate­board gal­lery on Crypto­voxels and CryptoSkate­board store on Mint­base. Buy­ing a skate NFT grants you a phys­ic­al one delivered at your door. What a cool move, no? But the exper­i­ence doesn’t stop there. The pro­ject also has a VR ele­ment, which allows you to skate in the vir­tu­al world. For the ones who like to col­lect there is even more: every skate comes with an edi­tion num­ber and the artist’s signature.