Vladimir Film Festival

Con­ex­iones by Luka Pinto

Fažana / Stara Fažana / 23 / 9 / 2016 / Film

VFF 2016 presents: Con­ex­iones video by Luka Pinto from Pillo Wheels that is going to be presen­ted on 23rd of Septem­ber in Fažana. Video was shot on loc­a­tions: Jer­sey, Lon­don, Bris­tol, Murcia, Lyon Porto, Bor­deaux and took 4 years to make.

We are happy to say that Luka and his friend will attend the fest­iv­al and for this occa­sion we asked him to write some­thing about the video.

“So sorry about not doing the write up of our video for you yet, im guess­ing we’ve already gone past the dead­line you needed? Do you still need us to do it? I will try to write somth­ing we are happy with haha”
