Vladimir Film Festival

Ciao by Ricardo Napoli

Fažana / Hotel Brioni / 26 / 9 / 2019 / Film

The diversity of styles, per­son­al­it­ies, and cul­tures in NYC are what makes skate­board­ing here excep­tion­al. Ricardo Napoli’s video Ciao, filmed entirely in New York, is ded­ic­ated to the cre­at­ive minds from the five bor­oughs and across the globe who make this city what it is.

Ricardo Napoli is a Brazili­an born pho­to­graph­er and video­graph­er who has called New York City home since a young age. His work over more than a dec­ade of shoot­ing pro­fes­sion­ally spans from fash­ion and com­mer­cial photography/videography to doc­u­ment­a­tion of works by premi­er con­tem­por­ary artists, but his roots stem­ming from skate­board­ing run deep and it is a con­stant source of inspir­a­tion for his inde­pend­ent pro­jects. His works can be seen in books and magazine pub­lic­a­tions world­wide, he has also sup­plied visu­al goods for major sneak­ers and skate­board brands.

Thursday 26th at the Bri­oni hotel in Fažana. See you there!