Vladimir Film Festival

Celebrity Club by Sylvain Robineau

Pula / Valli cinema / 23 / 09 / 2023 / Film

«With Soy Panday, Franc Bruneau, Car­oline Mouni­er, Laura Chetrit, Dami­en Guicheteau. 

Soy is a former pro­fes­sion­al skater, who now makes a liv­ing record­ing video mes­sages on com­mand. Denis wants to leave his skate­board fan­at­ic com­pan­ion, but does­n’t know how to break the news. He will use Soy’s ser­vices for the occasion.

Author bio: Sylvain Robineau worked for sev­er­al years as a phone sales­man and made skate­board­ing videos dur­ing his spare time. Inter­ested by the cam­era work, he decided to switch careers and began study­ing to become a cine­ma­to­graph­er. Since then, he has been film­ing and dir­ect­ing TV news stor­ies and doc­u­ment­ar­ies (Canal +, Arte, Dis­cov­ery…). Pas­sion­ate about cinema, espe­cially films dir­ec­ted by Claude Sautet, Claude Lel­ouch and Ber­trand Bli­er, he star­ted writ­ing and dir­ect­ing fic­tion films. He made sev­er­al shorts selec­ted and awar­ded in many fest­ivals (Cler­mont, Alpe d’Huez, Cabourg,
Brook­lyn Short fest­iv­al, Hol­ly­wood Short­fest…) such as « Sub­lime Désil­lu­sion », « Sabine », « Le Brame du cerf » and « Coup de pompe ». 
