Vladimir Film Festival

Canasta by Fran­cisco Saco

Pula / Cvajner gallery / 23 / 9 / 2017 / Film

Canasta is a cel­eb­ra­tion of a scene that has been brew­ing for quite a while now, cul­min­at­ing in a mixed bag of expect­a­tions and man­euvers, of tack­ling an urb­an trop­ic­al land­scape in all its splendor and rug­ged­ness. It is as a com­plete over­view of a cres­cent scene, and as such, will be the final work in a trip­tych of wrecks.

It fea­tures a cast of loc­als: Miguel Castro, Kervin Mir­anda, Kev­in Mejia, Roberto Chaves, Yiyo Obando, Trona, Kako Vega, Bry­an Guti­er­rez along with some vis­it­ors: Remy Taveira, Nich Kunz, Manu Etchegoyen.

Canasta is my last wreck. It focuses com­pletely on the scene in Costa Rica, from both a nation­al and for­eign per­spect­ive under close observation.

Fran­cisco Saco