Vladimir Film Festival

Broth­ers by Nino Jurlina

Fažana / Piazza Grande / 28 / 9 / 2018 / Film

This pro­ject was a col­lab­or­at­ive effort between like-minded people I’ve met over the years. The idea behind Simple is that skate­board­ing, the pas­sion and the cul­ture sur­round­ing it is what’s push­ing you for­ward and lay­ing the ground­work for future generations.

Broth­ers is about the meta­phor­ic circle that is life and shows spe­cif­ic peri­ods dur­ing the day that aren’t com­plete unless they’re viewed as a whole and shared with your broth­ers. This film was shot over the last year and a half and uses a mix of older, nos­tal­gic moments with a soundtrack that is closely con­nec­ted to the theme and the indi­vidu­al per­son­al­it­ies of each skater. Shot and edited by Nino Jurlina, Broth­ers is play­ing on Fri­day 28th at the Piazza Grande in Fažana.