Vladimir Film Festival

Bom­bastik world­wide 2022

Fažana / Main square / 22 / 9 / 2022 / Film

Since its release on the mar­ket as one of the first access­ible, con­sumer-type video cam­era in the pre­his­tor­ic times of 1995, the Sony DCR-VX-1000 (strong of the then-nov­el Mini-DV and 3CCD digit­al tech­no­logy, com­bined togeth­er for the first time) has left its own mark on folk art and gen­er­al audi­ovisu­al his­tory; espe­cially when finally paired up with the per­fect « death » lens issued by Cen­tury Optics soon after, cement­ing a cult fol­low­ing in niche fields such as por­no­graphy and, also, skate­board­ing film­mak­ing. Rev­er­ence of a type so strong, the cam­era even­tu­ally escaped the com­mon logic that is using up-to-date, mostly prac­tic­al tech­no­logy and lit­er­ally became icon­ic, to the point where to this day many enthu­si­asts will search for spare replace­ment parts all around the world (the mod­el being long dis­con­tin­ued and its suc­cessors nev­er as well-received), learn how to mod if not rebuild one, invest in per­son­al MK1 fish-eye lens re-runs (!) and, some­times, even use it to film — in between two fights against the faulty rib­bon cable or tem­pera­ment­al tape deck.

This argu­ably des­per­ate time­less appre­ci­ation for a com­mer­cially dying medi­um is one more of those cos­mic forces that is bound to bring like­minded ones togeth­er even­tu­ally, and thus so was the case here with Patri­cio Valdes and Pepa Kostal join­ing ener­gies, lower back pains and artist­ic vis­ions that « proves that the mer­ging of Chilean and Czech forces was the right choice. The res­ult is a fol­low-up to our former pro­ject from last year: ‘Bom­bastik world­wide 2022’. The pro­cess for this new one star­ted right away after the Vladi­mir X Pula premiere and involved film­ing in numer­ous cit­ies: Prague, Malmö, Copen­ha­gen, Tur­in, Rome, Bud­apest, N.Y.C. and Phil­adelphia, up until August this year. This inde­pend­ent pro­duc­tion is a trib­ute to the VX cult, as well as an homage to the ori­gin­al Bom­bastik crew in Chile, out of which Clau­dio Dono­so traveled over­seas to come film, and it depicts skate­board­ing in its raw form.

The mes­sage of the crew is the same: to spread the love for the Sony VX.