Vladimir Film Festival

Bom­bastik Euro 2021

Fažana / Kasarna / 16 / 9 / 2021 / Film

Photo LaSul­li­van

This explos­ive fix achieved by the mer­ging of Chilean, Czech and Pol­ish forces around the Sony VX leg­acy of cam­er­as at the ser­vice of hon­est skate­board­ing is bound to res­on­ate through­out most the globe — or at least that’s how much ground Patri­cio Valdes, Pepa Kostal and Maciej Szwe­jda have been cov­er­ing for their com­mon con­coc­tion already. The res­ult of the crew’s street mis­sions filmed between Octo­ber 2020 and August 2021, it was filmed across numer­ous European coun­tries includ­ing Sweden, Italy, Czech Repub­lic, Croa­tia and Poland to list a few. Strong of Patricio’s exper­i­ence mak­ing the clas­sic Bom­bastik skate videos back in Chile, the final product also embraces mod­ern influ­ences such as by the Phil­adelphia, USA — based Sab­ot­age crew to defend its status of an inter­na­tion­al trib­ute to the VX.

The goal of the crew is to spread love for the Sony VX and keep the cult alive.