Vladimir Film Festival

Becom­ing an object by Urška Preis

Fažana / Kasarna / 26 / 9 / 2019 / Exhibition

Becom­ing an object is a pro­cess that holds in its essence a pro­duct­ive con­tra­dic­tion, it’s a cri­tique of a mod­ern soci­ety, where everything ali­en or devi­ant gets reduced to a grot­esque, mar­gin­al­ised object. The main focus is in a so-called ‘tramp stamp’, a phrase that’s trans­formed from mean­ing a sexu­ally promis­cu­ous female to a scarred con­sequence that comes from express­ing an act of res­ist­ance, which is being a skater.

Urška Pre­is (1992) is a visu­al artist, musi­cian and music journ­al­ist born in Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Exhib­i­tion is set for Thursday night in Kasarna!