Vladimir Film Festival

Bas­ura by Ron­coni Ludovico

Fažana / Main square / 21 / 09 / 2023 / Film

Bas­ura is Span­ish for ’trash’ and the title of a new themed edit by Ron­coni Ludovico fea­tur­ing Michael Caria, Petar Stantchev, Michele Pace and Ron­coni him­self which ori­gin­ally star­ted out as just an edit of Michael, but then spon­tan­eously grew into some­thing more which itself is destined to integ­rate a lar­ger scale full-length video pro­ject, sched­uled to drop next year.

Skate­board­ing cul­ture has always changed. Year after year, the changes are clear; first there was the Ber­rics, then came You­tube ‘influ­en­cers’ and now, Ins­tagram ‘stars’.

Nowadays, everything has to be done #ForThe­Gram, as though every­one else was just dying to know what you’ve done of your day; as a res­ult of so many influ­ences around us, it has become impossible to care about the best tricks being done and that whole com­mer­cial con­struc­tion of a world­wide skate­board­ing rat race. Going to the same spot just to outdo someone else; is this really how low we got nowadays? Where is the pleas­ure of doing some­thing with your friends with love and for a humble, com­mon pur­pose, not expect­ing any­thing in return?

Every day on the streets of Bar­celona, people are allowed to dump whatever kind of trash they have around their houses. Before some of it could dis­ap­pear, we decided to give the items one last mean­ing and turned them into one-use-only skate spots. A spot where it does not mat­ter how hard the trick or the lines are as, by design, nobody else ever will be able to con­quer them in hopes for some social media empathy. We’ve all skated trash before; isn’t it great to go back to it?