Vladimir Film Festival

Tomaž Šantl: “Ask the Locals!”

03 / 07 / 2013 / Uncategorized

This few sick pho­tos by Tomaž Šantl telling you to come vis­it our Vladi­mir 2013 and enjoy new unex­plored grounds like this old fort­ress build by Aus­tri­an-Hun­gari­an empire in 19.century.

This fort­ress in now under nation­al park Brijuni and entry is for­bid­den so it is real deal to skate it. You have to avoid loc­al ranges, fences and wild anim­als in the area, try to sneak thru loc­al paths and pass unnoticed. This fort­ress it is just one of 50 build around our home town area.