Vladimir Film Festival

Art bench photo contest

Fažana / 16 - 19 / 9 / 2021 / Story

Oleg Morović: Art bench sculpture

For VX we have some­thing spe­cial planed and we hope you are down for a photo ses­sion at the beach.

There is a new art install­a­tion and you can­’t miss it. It’s a yel­low art bench made out of con­crete designed by Oleg Morović.

What we want from you is to take the best skate photo on it and send it over at vladimirfilmfestival@​gmail.​com. With Brijuni and Fažana sea shore in the back­ground there should be some mar­velous shots, we hope so you are up for the task. The win­ner gets a big Vladi­mir gift pack­age and we will upload all the applic­a­tions here on our newly redesigned web­site. You can post it on your social media by using the hasht­ag #vxart­bench

Notice: There are more art benches made but only the yel­low one was designed for skat­ing. Please respect all oth­er art­works and artists as they are not designed with skat­ing in mind. Thank you.