Vladimir Film Festival

All the Streets are Silent

Pula / Valli cinema / 18 / 9 / 2021 / Film

Jeremy Elkin has gone a long way since grow­ing up in Canada mak­ing skate videos using any equip­ment he could find, cul­min­at­ing with loc­al full-lengths Ele­phant Dir­ect and  Lo Def before fully embra­cing New York City as his long­time second home and cap­tur­ing the heads and tal­ents there with Pois­on­ous Products and The Brod­ies.

Now via his new doc­u­ment­ary film, All the Streets are Silent, nar­rated by East Coast brand Zoo York co-founder Eli Mor­gan Ges­ner, he fully details the col­li­sion and coher­ence there between two mar­gin­al prac­tices at the time: hip-hop and skate­board­ing, form­ing through­out the 1990’s a move­ment strong of mod­ern philo­sophies and aes­thet­ics now indis­so­ci­able from his­tory of New York City altogether.


All the Streets Are Silent is a love let­ter to New York — examin­ing race, soci­ety, fash­ion, and street culture.

Fea­tur­ing nev­er-before-seen archiv­al foot­age from the era and inter­views with cel­eb­rated char­ac­ters from both worlds and fig­ures from the down­town scene includ­ing Ros­ar­io Dawson, Har­old Hunter, Justin Pierce, Keith Hufn­a­gel, Darryl McDaniels (Run‑D.M.C.), Jef­fer­son Pang, Bob­bito Gar­cia, Stretch Arm­strong, Kool Keith, Leo Fitzpatrick, Mike Hernan­dez, DJ Clark Kent, Kid Capri, Mike Car­roll, Moby, Fab 5 Freddy, Peter Bici, Yuki Watanabe, Clayton Pat­ter­son, Beatrice Domond, Tyshawn Jones, and more.