Vladimir Film Festival

After the fact, before the deluge

Fažana / Hotel Brioni / 27 / 9 / 2018 / Exhibition

Sara Par­son Texas is an ana­log pho­to­graph­er and illus­trat­or born in Par­is and liv­ing in Ber­lin since 2011. Her on going pro­ject called After the fact, before the deluge was at first a mix in between a zine/blog where she would have all kind of pho­tos, and it is going to be presen­ted on Vladi­mir as an exhib­i­tion on Thursday 27th in the Bri­oni hotel in Fažana.

This pro­ject is my own “in between” space i would say. All this moment when you are with so many peoples/friends on trip and noth­ing crazy hap­pens but just nor­mal life and sud­denly you focus and notice all this little noth­ing. Sud­denly the photo is not only a portrait/a ges­ture or so but just an emo­tion that you know you can only cap­ture at this very second.