Vladimir Film Festival

Срив by Vitosha Skateboards

Fažana / Main square / 22 / 9 / 2022 / Film

Fueled by the com­mu­nic­at­ive and fed­er­at­ive energy of Vladi­mir 2020, Bul­gari­an skate film­maker Veliko Bal­aban­ov had instantly star­ted work­ing on the first Vitosha Skate­boards video, БЛЯН the fol­low­ing year, lead­ing up to its mater­i­al­iz­a­tion just in time for a premiere at the next, and yesteryear’s, edi­tion. Now, the itch seems to have only per­sisted since, as Veliko is back this year to present his second-ever full-length effort: Срив.
If БЛЯН roughly trans­lated to hope­ful ideal­iz­a­tion and long­ing, Срив instead refers to a col­lapse, be it phys­ic­al or emo­tion­al, describ­ing exactly what we went through to cre­ate this new pro­ject and be a part of Vladi­mir this year […] We put the VX away and into the closet, instead favored the good, old, trusty Panason­ic — and star­ted to work hard. Fea­tures Yan Lozov, Veliko Bal­aban­ov ‚Petar Vladi­mirov, Nikola Bahche­vanski and friends. 

Витоша Skate­boards is a loc­al brand based in Sofia, Bul­garia; skater-owned, and motiv­ated to push the skate scene in Bulgaria.